Posts tagged free
Stony The Road We Trod

Research suggests that the stress that develops due to experiencing or witnessing racism can have long-lasting effects, increasing the risk of chronic disease and mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression in both children and adults. Maybe, it’s time for us to do the work of healing our own wounded souls.

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Let It Go!!

As we were finishing our morning walk the other day, I slowed down to feel the cool morning breeze and the warm sunshine on my face. As I looked around, I saw a flurry of leaves falling from one of the many trees on our driveway. It was beautiful. I love seeing the change in season from summer to fall. And, as i watched, I was reminded of something I once heard “Fall, shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”

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Yawl Free or Nah?

While legally free, they faced a much desired but challenging prospect of actually living free in a country that had prospered from their labor, had grudgingly granted that freedom and regarded them as less than human. And, for the last 157 years this country has wrestled with the threads of racism and injustice that are woven deeply into its fibers.

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